Advancing a smarter and greener tomorrow

Nordic Edge Expo 2024

By 2050, 70 % of the world‘s population will be living in cities. Urban challenges are imminent and demand purposeful effort from innovative, dedicated minds. You can be a part of the change – as an inventor, an investor, a leader, an employee, a private citizen. At Expo 2024, we will take a hike into the landscapes of possibilities together. You are welcome to join the expedition for the 9th time. Make sure to secure your spot to learn from the very best! Be a part of the change – and meet us in Stavanger on May 7-8, 2024.

Are you in shape for innovation?

Are you in shape for innovation?

This was the question headlining our first session in our Accelerating Innovation program – jointly developed and offered by the University of Stavanger and Nordic Edge

Fra utfordringer til muligheter: Bøndene setter klyngen i arbeid!

Fra utfordringer til muligheter: Bøndene setter klyngen i arbeid!

I prosjektet “Fremtidsbonden” har fremoverlente bønder fra regionen delt sine problemstillinger og utfordringer de står overfor i dagens raskt skiftende landskap. Disse problemstillingene legger til rette for omfattende innovasjon og utvikling innen Agritech-klyngen. 

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